Not everyone lives in a neighborhood where painting a house purple is an option, but my good friend, Robyn (we went to school together here in Marietta!), and her lovely family hit the jackpot. They found a gorgeous neighborhood that is not only walkable and allows for quick commutes, but has tons…
The Living Room Makeover :: BEFORE and AFTER!
We’ve been working hard to transform our living room. It is the center point of the entire house and more like a gigantic hallway than a room, so it just felt like it needed attention. A living room makeover is always fun because it really doesn’t take a lot to make a…
Mrs. Scarlet In the Conservatory With the Lead Pipe
While the lack of a smoking gun and the peculiar Mrs. Peacock might make these spaces infinitely less interesting, a Conservatory is a far underrated space. While the screened in porch is mighty fiiine (southern drawl a necessary inclusion when speaking of porches here in the south), the conservatory takes it up one…
Mid Century Modern Is Making a Comeback?
When several people excitedly e-mail me links to the Gaines’ latest remodel, something must be up. You’d either be living under a rock or outside the US to avoid hearing about the growing empire of the shiplap obsessed, Farmhouse Chic movement being led by Chip and Joanna Gaines who flip houses…
The Positive Effects of Age… Really!
Aging with grace? Positive Effects of Age? Have I lost my mind? Clearly I am on the brink of a mid life crisis! Or am I? Ok, maybe a little bit of both, but I am SO into old. Not men. Just stuff. Hopefully that wasn’t necessary to clarify, but just in…