This week was FULL of SURPRISES! First, was the discovery of this stunning tank top from AMAZON! It’s soft as silk but only about $30 with the current coupon! It’s by a brand called GOELIA and I’ve realized after wearing their pieces over and over just how incredible the quality, cut, and affordability is! These pieces prove to me again and again that creating luxurious looks doesn’t have to be expensive! Click HERE and HERE to see more of my FAVE PIECES on SALE!
I also had MY MIND BLOWN AWAY by realizing just how many AMAZON HOME DECOR items I own and love that COST UNDER $20! Look at what we can DO with $20! CLICK HERE for even MORE FINDS UNDER $20!

I’m also loving my garden at the moment. It always teaches me so much! This week everything was looking a bit deflated and droopy so I really dedicated some time to giving everything longer drinks of water… and just like that… it all sprang back to life! I’m sure there’s a life lesson lingering in there somewhere!
I’ve also realized that my HUNTER’S CLOGS are my most used shoes in my stash! I love that I can slip into them when I’m wandering down to the mailbox to grab the mail, hanging out with the fam in the backyard, and, of course, watering the garden and yard each day!
I also love watching the hydrangea EXPLODE this season and even my tomatoes needed a stake! (the obelisk trellis is from Aaaamazon! CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!)
Well, my friends, those are just a few things I’m loving this Friday and couldn’t help but share! I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead of you and find some time to get outdoors and enjoy the summer weather! xxV

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