My husband informed me that if George Clooney walked up to me and asked to hook up that he would be like, “umm, heck yeah.” I can’t tell whether to be thoroughly disturbed by that declaration, mostly because it tells me that my husband doesn’t think I stand a chance with George … or really, really happy because I happen to know where George lives and I’ve got the perfect house to spy on him from!
More likely than not, my guy’s hoping to trick me into planning a trip back to Lake Como where he gets to ride a boat across Lake Como to visit the Villa del Balbianello, aka The Lake Como Star Wars House, which was used as a set for Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones. But the joke’s on him. I’d go there in a second, George Clooney smooches or not! There are few places in the world that romanticize summer more than Lake Como and this home was so beautiful inside that I think about it often when I am creating spaces in my own home.
It’s not that the style of this home matches my personal tastes 100%, but rather that it possessed a feeling of travel, warmth, and classic design… three things that never go out of style in any home. If we aim to create spaces that make us feel something rather than simply replicated trends, we are infinitely more likely to love our home for many years!
All Photography: Valentina Fussell

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