It hit me this week. I’ve been thinking (and chatting with you guys!) about design styles this week and this little phrase popped out of my mouth, “When I discovered black and white interiors it was like finding my soul mate.” It felt so utterly profound that I stopped everything I was doing and just stood there in awe of that small little sentence that held so much truth.
It felt like I’d loved it all along but never really saw it for what it was- a lifelong love affair… not just a petty fling or a phase I was going through… but something lasting… and meaningful…
I guess I’ve always been like this. I met Jack and knew I would marry him the day I met him. I didn’t know him or anything about him, but I just knew. It was like a cheesy country song about seeing your future in someone’s eyes. Yep. Me. At 16 years old. Everyone told me I’d get over that, too, but here we are… 27 years later. I’m thinking it’s “permanente” as I like to say!
I’m thinking I might just keep him and I’m thinking that my love affair with black and white interiors is probably here to stay as well.
Now, don’t get me wrong. We can play a LOT within that color palette and add and subtract complementary colors, yada yada yada. But just like that. I feel at peace. My motto, “If it isn’t black, put it back” is here to stay! My never ending question, “But does it come in black?” Apparently here to stay as well! 🙂
And so, on this fine day, I would challenge you to ask yourself if you have found your design soul mate. If not, we’ve got a lot of videos coming out these days that I hope will help you discover it. But I believe it’s there… and when you find it… your soul will rest in it and the joy of creating it and watching it unfold around you will feel like magic.
I hope we will get to catch up more on the Amazon Live this Saturday and on Sunday I’ve got an entire video coming your way about decorating with black. I can’t wait to see you there! Until then, hugs and a kiss for each cheek! xxV

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