Remember when we were kids and one of the worst insults that could ever be thrown at you was, “What were you? Born in a Barn?” Nowadays, that would give you instant bragging rights! With shows like “We Bought The Farm” and “Living Country” gaining popularity, more and more people want to live…
TARTAN CHIC? Is That a Thing? I’m Buying It.
Do you remember when “Urban Cottage” became a thing back in the late 90’s? We were all talking about it down here in the South for sure. Shabby Chic went a little modern and Cottage Living Magazine followed quickly afterwards. We bought it. We loved it… And we’re still buying it. So Tartan…
Love It Or Leave It? Black Windows and Doors
“You want to do what?!” That was the look I got from my mom and friend recently while viewing a home that was in need of new windows. I had just mentioned that I thought black windows and doors would be incredible and they clearly were not on board. I sheepishly added…
Why Your Bedroom Needs A Power Bench
Power Nap? Power Lunch? Forget them. What you really need is the power bench. These boldly patterned beauties will not only give your rooms a serious punch of style and playfulness, they are also practical. Just think of all the ways you could use one… You will have somewhere to sit and chat with…
Atlanta Art Deco Home :: An Extraordinary Tour
To discover an Atlanta Art Deco Revival Home is like finding a rare treasure. In fact, the Evans-Cucich house, built in 1934 and named after its previous owners, is the only art deco style home in Atlanta. In this case, when people say, “They don’t build them like they used to.” They are absolutely right….