There you have it! A bathroom that is well on its way to be renovated! The master bathroom demolition has begun after a few starts and stops… mainly because we are SO indecisive! I’m just happy that the absolutely grody and revolting carpet is GONE! Quadruple ick!!
This week we will be sharing loads of befores! And fingers crossed… maybe even an after if the contractor delivers on his promise.
While I would love to say that we DIY’d this project ourselves, this was way too big a project for us to tackle. Saving some money would have been awesome! But with flaking paint, countertops that were pretty near done and faucets that were rusty and leaking… oh and a tub that was resistant to CLEANING. It was a full master bathroom demolition for us.
Has it been stressful? Yes and no. The guys we hired have worked hard and done a good job, but its definitely taken longer than promised. Being uprooted to an extra bathroom upstairs isn’t the end of the world. We lived for years in Denmark with one bathroom for five of us and it wasn’t on the floor with our bedroom. AH! Home sweet home! Maybe we should have just turned the master bathroom into a bigger closet! Or not… Watch the video for all the latest and be sure to tune in this week for more up-to-the-minute updates!

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