Ok. I just have to ask. Am I the last person to hear about Babington House? Go ahead. Tell me the truth. You all knew and forgot to tell me?
Well, just in case I am not alone in my little discovery, I have to tell you about the dreamiest English Country Stay I have seen in a long time. Babington House is everything your Anglophile dreams are full of… worn stone, lush gardens, hidden paths, and long soaks in your choice of claw foot tubs.
Dining choices vary from earthy and cozy to glamorous and exciting. Activities include spa days, strolls through the walled garden, and English tea (which we have been told is not a thing. It’s just tea in England followed by the scone and cucumber sandwich.) There is also a barber and a salon. Can’t be looking anything less than dapper while in the countryside, right?
Located just outside Bath, Babington House is mostly reserved for the Creative Class, but apparently if you ask really, really nicely they will let anyone in. (Hmmm. Shocking.)
Even if you find this exclusivity a little off putting, don’t let it keep you from being inspired by the drop-dead-gorgeous interiors. Ah! Those tubs!! (My claw foot tub is actually sitting in my garage waiting patiently for installation. I keep going to it and whispering sweet nothings in the night. Ok, not really. I’m genuinely worried that one of my boys will have turned it into a boat, a train, or getaway car!)
And just in case you are wondering, you can stay in the English countryside for as little as $61/night. I know. Tempting, right?
All photos via Babington House
Get Your English Fix with These Fun Finds:
Claw Foot Tubs are not all expensive, especially if you go here.
These towels look good thrown over ANY tub!
Suddenly craving a four poster bed? This one for $1650ish or this one beauty starting at $2300?
Bath time will suddenly feel very English with this fragrant set!
Antique Crystal chandelier? YES!!

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