I’ve been thinking about that a lot this week… what it means to be wild and free… Where do we go? What do we do? How does it change us and the world in which we live? I’ve made many attempts to “settle down” but even as a designer who literally helps create others’ forever homes… I think they can also come with wings.
Creating a home isn’t always about just the decor- though, as you might imagine, I have loved creating a home in many places around the world (24 of them in our first 17 years of marriage!) Wildness and the idea of home seem to be in competition to one another, adversaries at the very least! But I never saw it that way and I still don’t.
Adventure is all around us, if we have the eyes to see it. It lives in our hearts and compels us to seek something new, try something we’ve never tried before… and best of all…Dare to dream in the wildest possibilities of life.
I was told when I was young two things over and over… my kids would grow up fast (that was true!) and that when you get older you settle down (so not true!). We choose our path. If we get knocked off the one we started on, we have to get up, course correct, and keep going.
Life is too short to let the wildness in us die… we must decide to fan that flame and live every moment life gives us with every fiber of our beings!
I love you all so, so much and cannot believe my good fortune in finding you! I believe in you! And know you have greatness in you! I wish you a beautiful weekend! The biggest hugs and a kiss for each cheek! xxV

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