It’s that time of year when we start eying our plaid blazers and sweaters longingly while secretly drinking our PSL’s. The leaves aren’t quite ready to change, but we find ourselves nearly willing them to show any sign that a new season is here. It’s like we are dangling between two monkey bars, reaching for the next rung. Times like these require momentum and that’s what I like to lean into because I, for one, love the thrill of the motion.
So if you are feeling a bit restless with the season change, I say lean hard into and let the momentum pull you forward! Even though it might take a few more weeks for Fall to kick fully into gear, now is the time to be ordering, prepping, and planning out your Autumn season both in fashion and home!
I’ve started packing up vacation clothing and super summery linen pants and shorts, while ordering candles, drinking pumpkin spice lattes with a sprinkle of cinnamon on the top, and plan to make some dark chocolate caramel bark over the weekend! Now’s a great time to plan a Fall getaway, check out the new in items in ALL the shops (though Arhaus has been blowing my mind this season!), and up your lighting game so when Fall fully hits, your home will feel warm, ambient, and inviting!
I wish you a very Happy Weekend and I hope to see you in the Amazon Lives on Saturday and the Home Channel on Sunday! Until then, my friends! xxV

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