The troops have been getting restless with summer break stretching into its final three weeks so we’ve had to get creative in entertainment. Yesterday required an intervention when rain kept us indoors most of the day.
Whilst shopping and waiting out yet another torrential downpour (what is up with the weather?!) I went shopping @Target and found the CUTEST Charcoal jeans and white top… sooo Saint Laurent… without the price tag, of course!
But by the time I got home Landon was DONE being inside, so we ran outside in between rain showers and had a “hug out.” Which developed into a “model session.” And That developed into a silly game of “Head, shoulders, knees, and toes”… ok, so I coerced him in to it, but I know this kid. He gets cranky and if a hug won’t snap him out of it, a good laugh will do the trick every time!
So, here is my spontaneous share… My shoes are an older pair of Michael Kors and my earrings are Madewell, but you can get this entire look for under 125 bucks and that’s including the makeup and accessories at Target!! (The lipstick {which is THE BEST MATTE LIPSTICK EVER} and palette are what I’m actually wearing in the photo… because I already had the palette and apparently every new outfit needs a lipstick to match. ha!)
1. NYX lipstick $6.49 2. NYX Palette $16.99 3. Faux Croc Belt $18.99 4. White Drapey Top $17.99 Plus size available! 5. Black Patent Heel $27.99 or the flat version! $14.99! 6. Gold Cuff Bracelet $9.99 7. Charcoal Jean $27.99 Plus Size available! (I sized up and rolled the cuff of a regular length pant)

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