“Love is kind of crazy with a spooky boy like you…”
These “spooky” lyrics have been playing on repeat in our home the last few days as we string up spider webs and giddily apply plastic spiders to them, patting ourselves for our ingenuity while also barely being willing to actually touch them because they are STILL SO CREEPY! A step back to admire our handiwork simultaneously makes us feel proud and revolted- it’s PERFECT!
Halloween is almost here and the excitement brings us back to our childhood when we would go trick or treating in all varieties of costumes… the days when we would run around with pillowcases and were allowed to roam around the neighborhood unsupervised, always competitively trying to get the most candy even though we were all going to the same houses!
My favorite costume (or at least the most memorable!) was the year I dressed up as a California Raisin (um. Hello, I was dashing in my black trash bag and sneakers and ever so convincing when I belted out “ooh wooo I heard it through the grapevine! Honey Honey!”) Ahh to be 12 again!

We spend so much time talking about how to elevate our homes, but let’s not forget that these little moments are the most precious. We don’t have a trick or treater in our house this year, so instead we are throwing a big bash with fun treats so we can all hang out together and fight over who gets to hand out the candy when the doorbell rings. Jack’s got the smoke machine and cemetery set in the front lawn and I’ve got the skull cake pan out, ready and waiting for action!
It’s times like these that I remember that the greatest luxury in life is time with our loved ones, creating memories full of love and laughter. So, I encourage you this weekend to get your spooky on with your loved ones, whether that means grabbing an extra bag of everyone’s favorite candy to ensure they get a nice little stash or creating an elaborate charcuterie with ghostly elements. Put on some Monster Mash and dance in the living room and HAVE THE BEST HALLOWEEN WEEKEND EVER!!
Love you all so much!! xxV

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