Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same. Helen Keller
After a few minutes of complaining about the wet heat from the sun canopy overhead, the kids soon figured out how to entertain themselves. First, one dipped his finger in the fountain and then the second quickly followed. Our eldest couldn’t be bothered with such silliness (and the obvious lack of hygiene in water that looked so skeptical.) As she picked up her camera and entertained herself hunting for wild species to shoot (for archival purposes only, of course), the boys discovered that hose heads make for the best sword fights.
Their boredom returned when they were told to stop which led to more running around… until finally they settled on a bench and surrendered to talking and butterfly watching.
Upon our return home with the back of the SUV laden with bushes, berries, and tomatoes, they begged for the sprinkler and we complied. The perfect afternoon distraction while we got to pruning and planting.
I was reminded of the days when we roamed the earth, tethered to it by gravity alone. We thought that freedom was everything but as it turns out, being possessed by the land that bears your own name feels more powerful than belonging to nothing…
Like being handed a newborn baby, we are charged with a new love, one that can is powerful and terrifying, shocking and overwhelming, and yet delightful and satisfying…
Our little Ode to Spring Flowers…
Always Served Best with Olive Olive & Walnut Chocolate Cake!

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