It snuck up on me again, but Friday is here and I’m so excited because with it brings the weekend!
I found myself lost in inspiration this week… things like architecture, gardens, champagne, and even little things like the seat of a Ferrari at a car show with the boys, have left me feeling more excited than ever about my work and the home I’m also creating for my family.
One of the biggest things I did many years ago when I was trying to figure out my style was that I decided not to let my budget dictate it. I began going into luxury boutiques and just looking and learning, but I also went for long walks in the forrest, drives in the countryside… I went to art galleries, started noticing the architecture around me, and never took any style “off the table.”
With the weekend ahead of you, it’s the perfect time to really ask yourself what makes you tick. What style is your true style and what does your dream home and life look like. Even if you end up, like I have, loving a more luxurious look, there’s always a way to create your style (which I hope I’ve proved over the years on YouTube and amazon live!). Life is too short to not live in your dream home. And the journey to creating it can be full of fun and adventure!
So, this weekend, I will be daydreaming and reading my newest book, “Eden: Garden Designs”, https://amzn.to/3NkftZI pouring a glass of something bubbly and sitting by the fire and taking time to enjoy the journey!
Have a wonderful weekend! xxV

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