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Our kids went to their Grandparents’ house for the weekend, so naturally we exhausted ourselves eating, shopping, and seeing Atlanta! Let us know if you want to see more videos of our favorite places in Atlanta!
Our Weekend in Atlanta Guide!!
So many great shops and restaurants!
What we Bought:
Astier De Villate Ceramics & Black Candles
Our Favorite Shops:
Dixon Rye: https://www.dixonrye.com/
Hudson Grace: https://hudsongracesf.com
Ann Mashburn: https://www.annmashburn.com
Sid Mashburn: https://www.sidmashburn.com
JCrew: https://tinyurl.com/yyblwlel
West Elm: https://tinyurl.com/y6muk8jg
Anthropologie: https://tinyurl.com/yyjd9rvl
Our Favorite Restaurants:
Barcelona Wine Bar: https://tinyurl.com/yynec5bn
West Egg Cafe: http://www.westeggcafe.com
Cultivate: http://www.cultivating.co
See our Full Home Tour!

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