Own Your Disco Balls and the French Countryside… seriously, it will make you the coolest.
Weird? Complicated? A Hot Mess when it comes to your design choices? One minute you want Joanna Gaines to show up at your door… the next you silently plead that it’s one of the Property Brothers… ok, technically you would prefer the single one, but you aren’t picky!
Even if you haven’t left your own town, state, or country, you might still feel a strong tug between styles… or maybe you feel the dissonance between your own style and your other half’s? He wants a disco ball and graphic tiles and you imagine a serene French countryside retreat with stone and lots of lace. This may actually be the end of your marriage. This should have been written into the nuptials! No one said that you’d have to blend two worlds. Or did they? Hyperventilating…
DEEP BREATHS. Don’t stress. You are deep. And so is he. Neither of you lives in a micro-bubble. Life is complicated and our homes need to live up to that.
You may not realize it (I came up with my example before I searched pinterest!) but your styles may actually make you THE COOLEST KID in town. I mean, seriously, did you click through that link? I’ll give it you again just to be sure. Click HERE to see that Disco balls and country look INCREDIBLE together.
Be you. Be him. Or her. Or them (the kids, the dogs, the pet bunny.) Life is too short to live it inside a box. And whether you are decorating or house hunting, look for the adventure and uniqueness that lies between your story and the people you are making your home with.
Emma, the amazing talent behind Owl in the Ivy, is owning her nomadic life between the English Countryside and Morocco and has created a shop so wonderful that I’m ready to book a shopping trip TODAY… I just haven’t decided whether I’m going to England or Morocco first!
You can actually shop Owl in the Ivy right from your arm chair… or kitchen table… or bed… or from your kid’s soccer practice. Wherever you are!

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