Baking fever has hit and it has hit hard. I’ve got my recipe books out, texted my mom for copies of old family favorites, and the counter is littered with ingredients. I haven’t even bothered to decant a single one of those ingredients because their fate is… imminent.
With the promise of the weekend ahead, my mouth is already watering just imagining the yummy taste of Nordic Gingerbread, Greek “Snowball” cookies (imagine a ball of dough doused in powdered sugar!), and some good ‘ol American Spritz cookies.
We’ve also got to actually get serious about our gift shopping and finalize our purchases beyond our Black Friday deals. I can honestly admit that I was having a mild panic attack when I realized how little I had actually ordered and then realized… it’s only December 8th. I’ve got time!
So, this weekend will be filled with baking and ordering and wrapping and Christmas movie watching… and I CANNOT WAIT! The holidays are HERE!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find loads of inspiration in our Friday with V PDF this week! xxV

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