We’ve been super focused on the Holiday season ahead of us this last week, but today I realized… it’s ALMOST THANKSGIVING!! We can’t skip Thanksgiving!! So, in today’s PDF (it’s free to download and the pictures are clickable!) I have loaded us up with tasks that will get us all ready in the midst of the bustle for one of my favorite days of the year!
As you might imagine, we’ve had quite a few unusual Thanksgivings over the years while living abroad where the holiday is not observed. Every year was filled with different faces and quite a few were in different places, but the love and sense of wonder around the table were always palpable.
Turkeys were not a readily available item but friends at the US embassy helped hook us up! And omg. Guys. The sweet potato situation while we lived in Morocco was unreal! They weren’t available anywhere in the country, so while Jack and I were in Spain we would load up on them. One year a friend of ours actually licked the spoon and even asked if we would be horrified if she ran her finger across the pan! (Of course we told her to enjoy every last bit!)
So, as you might imagine, being home for Thanksgiving is a pretty special event for us, but the gathering with friends and family is one that we cherish no matter who we share the table with! This year we will be celebrating at my parent’s home, but I have already claimed the stuffing and Mac n’ cheese honors because I am telling you- the recipes I found in the Staub cookbook last year were some of THE BEST I have ever eaten and I am not going without them! Haha!
I learned ALL of my best table setting skills from my mom, and have added some inspiration in for you, but no matter where you celebrate or whom you plan to celebrate with… now is the time to prep! :-). But don’t forget to carve out some time to rest this weekend! I’m hoping to visit a historical home here in Atlanta and that always leaves me feeling inspired and recharged! xxV

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