When you spend six years living among 6′ giants, or the equivalent to the Swedish model, shopping in their clothing stores as a petite makes buying clothes a tricky business. My daughter, Hailey, and I went on a shopping date this weekend for her 15th birthday (which is today!) but neither of us bought…
Making over the Stinkiest Place in Copenhagen + Mood Board
Obviously, the first thing you do when you realize you are leaving town, is take on one of the biggest renovation/interior design projects you have ever done and hope that it is finished before you leave, right? It’s the logical first step… if you are a little crazy like me, but when…
Would You Rather :: Which Portland Home?
When you are a person who has moved 20 times in 16 years, staying in one house (even if it involved a six month stint in the US!) is like a Christmas miracle in July. But now it is time to explore a new city, begin another adventure, and… decorate another house….
Monochrome :: Calm before one heck of a storm
Few of us have a truly calm and easy life, but every now and then, life gets a real shake down. I’ll be back tomorrow with a MASSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT, so today, it’s all about monochrome, which really is the perfect to create a little calm before one very massive storm… Add interest to…
Escaping Perpetual Winter In This Monochrome Home
While the invention of color television is considered one of our recent history’s greatest accomplishments, I have an apparent obsession for all things black and white. I blame the Scandinavian winters. They are like a scene out of Frozen in which we have been cursed into a perpetual winter. Did the Scandinavians miss the…