Glamour at the poolside? Isn’t that an oxymoron? If you have kids then the last five minutes before you walk out the door to go to the pool are hectic… “Moooom, Where’s my bathing suit?!” “I don’t know honey. Try your bottom drawer!” (Oh, man… Where’s my bathing suit??) “Mom, I…
Gonna Make You BEG for Beige, REALLY.
If beige were a person, we’d have to start a campaign to save it… ’cause the name calling it has endured over the years hasn’t been so great. Take the “Builder Beige” title. I mean, really, how mean is that? What did beige ever do to deserve such nasty verbal abuse? It’s not like…
Summer is all about the color blue, represented through water, the sky, and endless play and what better inspiration can one find than the Pacific Ocean which carries every shade… GO BLUE & SILVER SEA YOU SOON GO FOR A BLUE TOP + WHITE SHORTS + BLUE BAG SEEK OUTDOORS (BOTANICAL GARDENS BY VALENTINA) Choose BLUE…
How To Do Themed Without Being a Theme Park
Disney and Las Vegas have one key thing in common. They both know a thing or two about creating themed destinations. And while you may prefer that every object in your room has the word “Bombay” written on it in your Indian themed and curry yellow painted room, there might just be another…
How To Fake Natural Beauty
There are some people who live every day without a lick of makeup, hair dried in the wind, and barely a thought to their clothing…. and they look amaaaaazing. They are one some people call a “Natural Beauty.” England has even created a restaurant for people who love their natural self so much…