I love the holidays because it is the one time of year that we get to say “YES!” way more times than no. That special gift that your mom will love? YES! That toy your mini me will love for sure? YES! That cookie or that party… or that extra snuggle time…
Kids Gift Guide 2017 :: Kid Tested & Kid APPROVED
Let’s Shop for the Mini Me’s! ‘Cause they are so cute! I wait all year for Christmas. I am still JUST like a kid. I never sleep on Christmas Eve because all I can think about is that GLORIOUS moment when my kids wake up, wait patiently on the stairs, and then…
76 GIFT IDEAS UNDER $50!! Gift Guide For EVERY Kind of GIRL!
GREAT GIFTS FOR EVERY GAL! Shockingly Affordable! It’s always around this time of the year that most of us start to feel the pinch in our pockets and the stress of suddenly needing to check off the rest of the names on our list. My intention was to give you 50 ideas…
This is How the French ACTUALLY Dress…
How to Ace Imperfection & Beauty It’s not that I’m against wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with something decidedly French. And a beret done right can be pretty cute… but when it comes to dressing like the French… well, even I am still learning. The truth is that we must separate the Parisian…
15 Under $15… What Your Teens Want for Christmas!
You Asked We delivered! My number one most requested GIFT GUIDE is for Teenagers. They are sooo hard to buy for… mostly because their gifts tend to cost a small fortune. And we aren’t even talking about CARS yet. It’s the iPads and the latest GAMING System… the apple watches and the…