Fantasy. Delight. Warmth. Just a couple of the words that we associate with escapism. I love rooms, or in this case, a stable, that transports you to another time and place. It’s like Harry Potter waved his wand and a lowly stable has been transfigured into a men’s club (which we ladies, of course, quickly invited ourselves into.)
I’ve been thumbing through magazines these days while I work on a new mood board and I realized that I had been gaping at the top photo for an awkward length of time. I couldn’t help it. I kept coming back to it. I felt entranced. Moved.
A lot of people think that design is a filthy word, that it involves stuffy designers who cost them a TON of money. But a real designer, whether they have a degree or not, understands how to transform a place…
It’s one of the reasons I hate the word “design”. It’s not that the word is so bad, but I have learned that it alienates people. It cripples them into believing that they cannot create without licensing or an ascot.
We are all creators, waving our magic over a space, the dictators of a metamorphosis that is an artistic expression of our inner being. (I know. I’m getting deep here.)
We can do just as Annie Brahler-Smith, who began this stable transformation with a deep appreciation in the time-worn imperfections of the past. (In other words… she likes old stuff and she knows what to do with it.) Her signature style and her personal philosophy say that everyone can and should live well…
So let’s say a few magic words and create a little slice of heaven on earth…
This look is easier to achieve than you might think! Here are a few items that will quickly transform your space! (Click on the photo for a direct link.)

eek! Love it all! Now I want a stable! 🙂 Course it has to have real horses too!
Dang….can’t have them here! Not enough land! 🙁
That room is so dreamy! So warm! Love all the shopping suggestions too!
Well, we can find you more land (heehee!) or you might be able to do miniature ponies… perhaps even in your back building?! (You could seriously pull this off!!)
eek! Love it all! Now I want a stable! 🙂 Course it has to have real horses too!
Dang….can’t have them here! Not enough land! 🙁
That room is so dreamy! So warm! Love all the shopping suggestions too!
Well, we can find you more land (heehee!) or you might be able to do miniature ponies… perhaps even in your back building?! (You could seriously pull this off!!)