It’s been a rough few days. I’ve shed a lot of tears and have felt completely overwhelmed and quite frankly at an utter loss for words.
It’s Monday morning and I found myself dreading the day, the week… the future. It felt so grim, so unimaginably heartbreaking and devastating. I am certain that I do not have the right words. How can one find them in such a time as this? I’m a fixer, a doer, a go out there and save the world kind of person. It’s how we ended up overseas doing nonprofit work for 12 years.
But this isn’t going to be fixed by selling everything we own and blazing a trail. This is bigger and it’s not going to get fixed in a day, but in spite of everything I find hope.
28.9 million reasons for hope… that’s how many people posted on Instagram alone with the hashtag #blackouttuesday There’s a lot of people globally who want to bring about change and give hope to all people in the future.
I believe that change begins at home and it begins with us. It is our job to take what has happened seriously and to be agents of change in big ways and small.
I believe in a bright and beautiful future for all people. It’s the only thing that gets me up every day-it’s that hope that we can save the world and make it a better place.
I’ll be sharing more in the coming days on how we had already been working on projects to bring about change for BIPOC voices, but I can assure you that at the heart of everything we have ever done and ever will do is a voice of solidarity for all people.
We celebrate the beauty of all people. It’s why you hear us saying over and over that your story is a gift, your life is a treasure, and your home is the refuge where you get to be fully yourself.
So, as we start a new week we are committing to being a light in darkness, change makers, a voice of kindness and love and hope seekers.
Our children will inherit the earth that we give them, and not just the land and the sky, but the beliefs, the thoughts, the actions, the stories, the lessons… all of it. Our hearts break and yet we know that if we demand that our children’s future will be brighter then it is our responsibility to stand up for it and move forward as one. #togetherforward

Thanks for this Valentina.
Thanks for this Valentina.