I’ve kind of been burning my proverbial candle at every end these last few weeks. My husband commented recently that I was going to bed early at 11:30 and it was then that I realized that I never sleep. I don’t take days off either.
I guess that would be a serious problem if I didn’t absolutely love what I do…
Except every now and then I am completely WORN OUT… Like I’m dragging my feet around the house, whining about being exhausted, and promising that come tomorrow I’m going to sleep. Like REALLY sleep.
Then I get on Pinterest and check out some of my favorite blogs and all of a sudden it’s midnight and I’ve bounced back with a fourth wind that will keep me up til 2 and wake me up by 6.
I thought I had laid pink to rest in my own home when I chose blue instead… and I thought FOR SURE that Valentine’s would get it out of my system…
But there it is. Lighting my fire and making me do a little happy dance… all by myself in the wee hours of what is left of the day… but can you blame me? Look at all this great pinkish inspiration…
Even in the closet…
And suddenly I want pink eyeshadow and a pale pink lip!
I even bought a pair of flat pink mules (This affordable pair with a bow!)
So, I did the only natural thing to do when you clearly have an addiction… I fed it. And created a room for you to shop! Click and order or email me if you want a pinkish infusion designed just for your space!
1. Blush Velvet Cushion 2. Globe Lamp 3. Pink Mist Canvas 4. Belgian Flax Throw 5. Fresh Tulip Branches 6. Tufted Sofa (also comes in many shades of pink!) 7. Pink Persian 8. Washed Linen Cushion 9. Shagreen Tray 10. Bamboo Candle

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