It’s a pretty regular part of the conversation when one of my clients hires me. They say that they feel like they could have finished/done a room themselves and yet they haven’t. They usually admit that something just doesn’t feel “right” and it feels “undone.”
As a stylist I spent years studying and dissecting photos that ranged that had the stop-you-in-your-tracks affect… you know the type. The ones that make you want to scream, “whoa, baby, that’s awesome!” It was unnerving that some were packed to the brim with STUFF while others had a total of 8 items in them. It was then that I realized the power players: Plants, Light, and Art.
You can buy a great sofa, you can install an incredible kitchen, and you buy the most expensive things but the rooms will never feel complete with out those three things.
Plants bring life, Light (both natural and installed brings spirit and mood, and art brings personality.
I always take a picture of my space and then one of those three key ingredients will be the building block for the rest of the room. Let me show you what I mean:
POWER PLAYER SHOT: This room nails all three perfectly. But don’t just think of a room from one direction… Here Natural light is key
Here there is almost no natural light, so plants, art, and that incredible chandelier take over.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Simplicity with a power art piece and secondary plants/florals make this room powerful. Don’t underestimate the power of a small ceiling light and a large lamp, though. Those make the art POP.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Here the artwork is even BOLDER and natural light and plants are playing supporting roles.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Imagine if that artwork wasn’t there and that chandelier. It would an OK room, but it wouldn’t wow you as much. Other sneaky tricks to make this shot (and the room awesome) are the lamp subtly sneaking in from the left and the plant coming in from the right. It’s like a little stage and all the actors have their parts.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: When the art is that powerful plants don’t necessarily have to be bold. In fact here they are whispy and airy on a wall that has no natural light.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Once again all three power players are present, but natural light and that overhead light are KEY. Note how the overhead paper lamp is light and airy and it is balanced by the black, shiny, hard lamp?
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Lighting is also be a way of infusing personality. Think of how boring this shot would be, though without the window and the plant supporting it.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: There’s almost no visible light and one small plant (which I think should have be separated from the giraffe behind it) but whose getting their moment? THE ART. Look at all that sweet personality!
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Look at them! sneaking in a plant yet again from stage right. It becomes dominant while the rest feels soft and soothing. This photo isn’t meant to wake you up, but rather to make you feel cozy and happy.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: This one is so modern and yet the light, the plant, and the art play together perfectly in what might have otherwise been a forgotten little corner.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Mood lighting certainly gives this space wow factor, but it wouldn’t be the same without the bold art and a pot of fresh herbs.
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Your turn! What do you think gives this room its wow factor?
POWER PLAYER SHOT: Imagine for a moment if that overhead light was switched out to something super traditional… maybe even french country. It would completely change the space! And that is why these “little” things matter so much!
As you think through your own rooms what role do you think light, plants, and art are currently playing?
All photos via Bjorfors

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