As our time here quickly winds down (4 weeks + 2 days left), I have found myself spiraling into a panic as I realize that there are so many things that we haven’t seen yet and a slew of things that I have to do again (and again!) because I love them so much, including a visit to Royal Copenhagen.
No matter what time of year you visit the flagship Royal Copenhagen Store, it is always a treat, full of inspiration and wonder, but there is nothing, for me as a foreigner at least, quite so Danish as a Royal Copenhagen Easter. One of my Danish friends once said that she feels Royal Copenhagen is too traditional and “Grandmotherly” but there is rarely a home that we have been invited into that does not have at least a few Royal Copenhagen pieces present. Even as someone who loves change and forward movement, some traditions are too precious to throw away and I think they anchor us even as we imagine a new future.
How can anything be quite so compelling as a company that began before the formation of our own country? And that beautiful blue, which is still hand painted! Lady Helena, a character from Winter’s Tale, a novel written by Danish Icon, Karen Blixon, said it so well:
“…’I have found it at last. This is the true blue. Oh, how light it makes one. Oh, it is as fresh as a breeze, as deep as a deep secret, as full as I say not what.’ With trembling hands she held the jar to her bosom…”
My SWEET girlfriends from my craft meet up group, Craftenhagen, spoiled me with a very generous gift card to Royal Copenhagen and I spent two hours, perusing, wringing my hands as I tried to decide what to buy, and grabbing a few instagram shots with my phone. (And my bored husband catching one of himself.) My kids are really struggling with leaving Denmark, my boys most particularly, so we chose a few things that I hope will always remind them of all the lovely times we have spent around the table of our friends here. (Fighting tears even now.)
And a few favorites from last year as well:
Photos: Valentina Fussell
If you aren’t able to make it to the Royal Copenhagen flagship store, here are a few things you can enjoy today:
Many rare and beautiful vintage pieces can be found here. (I’ve started a wish list already!)
Find Vintage & New Pieces Here.
Prefer something Modern and Clean Lined? This selection has some of my favorites!
Set your Easter Table with Earthy Linen to balance the smooth bone china.
Get a Discount on your Royal Copenhagen purchase + Free shipping at Williams Sonoma!
Anyone else suddenly crushing on French Chandeliers and Chairs?

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