It was a BIG week here at the House of Valentina! Hailey, our 23 year old daughter, graduated from college! It’s been a week of celebration and one, as a mom, I can’t help but look back on the day she was born and think of how far she came (and how thankful we are that despite her crazy parents she has turned out to be an incredible human being!
Just 8 years ago we moved back from raising Hailey (and her brothers!) abroad. She went into high school as a freshman and started taking her first classes in English! Up until then none of the kids had ever formally studied in English!

When we first moved to Barcelona with Hailey when she was 10 months old, a fellow American living abroad told us that if we read to her in English she would “get” the language. I, being a bit young and naive, believed her without questioning… so imagine my panic when I realized we were bringing our kids back to the US and was about to test the theory out where their grades would dictate their ability to go to University and such! GULP.
Well, as you can imagine, my friend all those years ago was right. There were a few bumps in the road… and I’m pretty sure Hailey still won’t count coins at a cash register (hahaha!) but she just graduated Summa cum laude… and that, my friends, is a moment of triumph for her.
So, this weekend we will be celebrating our girl with a big party! We will likely give a sneak peek of the party in our Amazon live at 11am EST if you want to tune in and celebrate with us as well!
I hope your weekend is full of celebrations, big and small, and always remember that we are grateful for each and every one of you and hope your lives overflow with joy and love! xxV

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