Friday, February 14, 2025
On romanticizing life…
Sometimes it seems pretty silly. Every single day we are dealt a dose of reality and life can be so hard, but I’ve always believed that our home is a refuge, a haven… a place where we are allowed to be dreamers and romantics. I always imagine a library. I guess that and flowers and candles and a lovely dinner going in the oven are the things that make life seem so beautiful to me.
When you really think about it, finding the beauty in each day and appreciating and celebrating them, too, isn’t silly at all. It’s extraordinary. That was always my dream when I was younger. I wanted to live an extraordinary life and as I’ve grown older and look back I’m flooded with memories of the simplest things that made the world feel so magical…
The smell of the spice pantry in Morocco, the smell of the lemon blossoms in bloom in our garden, the way the bougainvillea spilled over the wall of our secret garden and reached up to the window of Hailey’s bedroom, and the way the fig tree fragranced the air while the bees buzzed happily around the ripe fruit.
The first time we tasted the sweetness of the apples growing in our back garden in Copenhagen. The smell of birthday cakes baking in the oven. The sound of the kids’ giggles, watching them run around the house and play hide and seek. Sipping my first hydrangea from the bush we planted after buying our first home…
No, no, I don’t think romanticizing life is silly at all, actually. I think it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. And since our homes are our refuge, it stands to reason that we must create a place for our memories, those we’ve lived and the ones to come.
I think we should most definitely make more room for romance, so this weekend rather than running from it, I plan to run towards it. I think perhaps we should consider the kind of home we are building and not just the decor. The whole shebang, if you know what I mean!
As I sit here and think of each of you, I hope your weekend is full of love and romanticism!
A kiss for each cheek and the warmest hug for each of you! xxV

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