I stumbled across some old photos this week and it really hit me just how much the kids have grown and how much my style has evolved. I used to think evolving was a bad thing- like it meant that whatever I was before wasn’t good or wasn’t my best. I have always been a bit of a perfectionist and thought I should have it all figured out, but that’s the best part of growing older! We learn so much, we experience new things, and, if allow ourselves, we become something new each year.
The thought of being made new, of going on an unchartered adventure, and trying something that I’ve never done before sounds like FUN! So, as we wrap up this crazy week here at the House of Valentina, with kids finishing up college (our Hailey is graduating!) and all of them completing their finals, it’s the perfect time to start dreaming of trying something new… and allowing ourselves to become… whatever we want!
Take time this weekend to do something big or even small! Plan a trip (or at least daydream about one!) and think about switching up the pillows or your fragrance or even your hand bag! Every one of the small changes we make adds up to something really amazing!
Happy Weekend, my friends!
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