One weather report claims there will be 9” of snow tomorrow awaiting us while the other predicts 1”. I’m not sure what the morning holds, but snow is a very rare thing in Atlanta and it has pretty much put everyone into a frenzy of buying milk, eggs, and bread (Me? I asked Jack to stock us up on champagne and toilet paper. Pretty much anything else is negotiable! Hahaha!).
The kids are plotting their sled outfits… ok, only Hailey is planning that (with a detailed Pinterest board, apparently). No idea where she gets that from! :-).
Whether you’ve got snow on the forecast or not, we hope your weekend is cozy, overflowing with bubbles of all kind (while Hailey plots her outfits, I’m plotting a hot bath if at all possible… I mean, come on. A hot, bubbly bath with snow coming down outside? Peeeeerfection!).
The rest of my plan is to get a book, sit by the fire, and enjoy these calm and beautiful days of winter.
Maybe if it snows we will get to share it with you on Saturday in the Amazon live! Now that sounds like something I really can’t wait to do!
Hugs and a kiss for each of you! xxV

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