Hello and Happy Monday! I hope that your weekend was full of festivities, winter coziness, and a little relaxation, too? While most of us probably love the holiday season, it is also nice to have a little break from it all, too, don’t you think? This week we will be sharing our winterized bedroom, which has no sign of Christmas in it, but tons of winter warmth. I’ve created a little mood setting with some of the pieces that will be going into the room, and tomorrow I will share the digital story board I created as a visual spring board.
Before we get to the reveal, though, I want to demystify the process a bit and chat more today about the steps I take when creating a new space.
Here are a few tips for getting started when you are wondering How To Create A Winter Room::
If you are interested in creating your own Winter Room, consider gathering a few items that you might want to bring into the room. For my room, that meant fur, marble, greenery, and a blend of modern and traditional elements. This method can be very helpful if you happen to like many different styles or feel overwhelmed by all the options.
Here are a few questions to consider before getting started:
Do I want a break from Christmas decorations in one space?
What are some of the things that I associate with winter that are not related to Christmas?
What are Three words that describe the style I want to achieve?
What are three words that describe the feeling I want to have when I am in the space?
My three style words are: Glamorous, Classic, and Scandinavian, and my three feeling words are: Cozy, Wintery, and Glamorous. Here are a couple of my gathered items that got me started…
The next step:: Creating either a special pin board on pinterest for your project or simply a digital story board. I will share mine tomorrow!

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