GASP! 10 DAYS?! Only 10 days until the big day?! I can hardly breath just thinking about how quickly these last few festive days will fly by! This year has been pretty epic and we’ve been soaking up every last minute.
Our home is aflutter with activity as everyone finishes up their finals. We’ve had a mini dance party every time one of them announces, “That’s IT! I’m done with the semester!” I get goosebumps just thinking about it now! I always dreaded my kids growing up, especially when I thought about Christmas, but actually, these days are so precious to me!
I had no idea having older kids would be so fun at the holidays! Their enthusiasm hasn’t waned and we get to play games with them like Family Feud Christmas. The elves have been especially sporty this year and shown up with all kinds of fun activities for us to play and it has been a blast!
We’ve got a few things on our weekend task list that include creating the Christmas Cookie cart of dreams, doing some last minute online shopping, freshening up the beds for the big day, and wrapping gifts, but most of all, I’m excited to sit by the fire with the kids and laugh and enjoy these sweet times. They really are too short, but perhaps that is why they are all the sweeter!
Happy Weekend, my friends! With so much love, xxV

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