Go Green. As if trying to predict the future did not require enough nerve, now I’m downright stating that I was right. There. I said it. I was right. No sooner do I start to shout out that green is coming and then it starts popping up everywhere. Was it already there before and I’m just calling what I see? Maybe, but either way there is more proof lurking about the internet that green is here to stay… which is super good news for a plant lady… and her green loving 8 year old. As far as I’m concerned, green is a neutral and is always fashionable when done right. Clearly I am partial.
See if you can find a shade and style that suits you… and my apologies to those who just painted the walls grey. (Try adding a pillow! or accent with wallpaper! or go green with your tile! Or with your Artwork! There are so many different kinds!)

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