I’ve been thinking a lot this week about main character energy. I filmed the video and it will be coming to you next week, but it got me thinking about the trend that is gaining popularity that is all about red, fur, and animal print… but then about half way through the video I had a hard stop moment when I really started to think through the fact that being a main character was so much more than that! It’s really about asking ourselves what kind of movie or book do we want to be the main character in… I know, so deep! I can’t wait for you to see the video!
But in the meantime, Jack and I have started to talk in depth about the kind of home we want- our values, our ethos, our dreams, and more… because ultimately we have to decide what kind of home we want. Do we want to be the main characters in a horror film, a rom com, an action film… or perhaps something dreamier and quieter…
Over the weekend we are excited to write down key words to describe our dream home- the smells, the feel, the colors, etc. I thought it might be something you guys would enjoy as well! I’m also adding creature comforts to my list- little things like a cup of coffee and stacks of books that create the true essence of home. I think it’s good to stop every now and then and really think about what matters to us, what brings us joy, and what helps our space feel like ours. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can get caught up in the rush of trends and all the latest and I think it’s good for us to double check that we are really building the kind of home we really love and long for!
I can’t wait to spend the weekend reading my stack of gardening books because it’s been my dream to have a garden and it’s time to start bringing that dream to life! Wouldn’t it be so magical to have a secret garden overflowing with fruits, vegetables, and flowers? Wow. I’m headed to bed now just to get a head start!
I wish you all a wonderful weekend, full of dreams and hope and, as always, so much love! xxV
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