Wow. We are here! The final Friday before Christmas! These are the days when I wish we could add more hours to the day and slow things down. It’s such a gift to get time off to spend with family and friends, to bake, and wrap gifts, and watch movies together. It’s living at its best, if you ask me! The house needs a few little finishing touches and the grocery list needs to be finalized, but this is when we embrace, not only every day, but every hour… savoring every moment, storing it in a special part of our minds that is extra sacred… and just inhaling the laughter and the hugs and the cheer. Ahhh!! I can’t wait!
I hope you have a wonderful few days with your family and friends, however you are celebrating this time of year. I hope these days are full of fun and laughter and merriment!
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! xxV

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