Tough Guys Look Good in Pink Kitchens
As I was flipping through the latest issue of Elle Decor on Sunday, with my cuddle bunny in my arm, I just about jumped out of my seat when I realized that Elle Decor had suddenly made a MASSIVE move towards one of my personal passions… a focus on great living rather than decorating.
“First and foremost, we want our home to be comfortable and warm.”
Yes! This is HUGE! Rather than talking about tough guy, Bruce Willis, and the expensive sofa or the art piece their interior designer chose on their behalf, Elle Decor gave us on a whimsical and endearing glimpse into their life. There was hardly even a photo of their stuff. Instead, we saw them eating pizza on the trunk of the car, making a splash in the pool (clothes on!), and even running through the water hose.
Their home is always impeccably curated but decidedly second fiddle to the joy of their children. Emma and Bruce are at once refined and casual
Besides the fact that I had to explain to my kids who Bruce Willis was (and quickly google and show them what a hottie he’s always been!) they didn’t get why I was pumped.
“Because!” I exclaimed, “This is what having a home is really all about!” It’s not what we put in our houses, but the life we are living around it that really matters.
I sell houses all the time. Those are the walls, the floors, and the roof. But a home? That’s what you put inside it. It can’t be bought or sold. It’s the personal magic that you and those you share your walls with bring… that make the spaces come alive and enhance the life you are living.
Obviously I love the photos from this article, but the little video included on the web version is pretty special, too. Well worth a CLICK.
All photos: Elle Decor, Photography: Alexei Hay Styled by: Sophie Pera

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