The Best Place To Shop Is Your Own House It’s not that I’m against trends. In fact, I love them and follow them and find them fascinating. But sometimes trends annoy me. Most trends require us to throw most of what we own in the trash or in a giveaway bin. I…
Do A Bathroom Makeover for less than $150!!
It doesn’t hurt to have a few supplies on hand, but doing a bathroom makeover for less than $150 isn’t as hard as you think! Do you remember the before shots of the bathroom? Here’s before we bought the house… nothing like stripes and gold hardware! Then our weird, limbo stage with…
We are FLIPPING a HOUSE!! (And We Are FLIPPING excited!)
GUYS!! We are Flipping a house!! I am about to hyperventilate because I am SO excited! A few weeks ago one of my best friends asked me if I wanted to flip a house with her and of course I nearly FLIPPED! She had seen my work in our master bathroom and thought…
Coming Very Soon! The House of Valentina Shop!
The House of Valentina shop is almost here! We hope to fulfill your wildest dreams of whimsy, imagination, and wanderlust while stocking your house with all the things you have been asking for… busts, art, books, and so much more. We will have loads of limited editions, one-of-a-kinds… it’s going to be…
How Do We Truly Find Our Way Home?
“There’s no place like home” or so the saying goes, but sometimes home can feel like an elusive place. Generations and thousands of years worth of great philosophers, deep thinkers, poets and even a vast number of angsting country music stars have tried to figure it out. No matter how much we…